Tuesday, April 22, 2014

All Squares: A Minecraft Birthday for My Brother-In-Law

I am so sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I promise I haven't forgotten about the blog...or YOU!

I'm going through a season where it feels like I'm watching life fly by like a movie. Time goes by too fast, especially with a little one. I keep wanting to hit pause to savor different moments but my remote seems to be broken! Someone please fix it!

I recently had the honor of making a birthday cake for one of my brother-in-laws. He just turned 8.

No, that is not a typo. He is 8. And he is awesome.

Here it is!

Minecraft Birthday Cake with Cupcakes

Happy Birthday Shane!
(That is what I wanted the words to say but my "P" wasn't cooperating)

P.S. If you don't know, Minecraft is a computer game. I've played it a few times and it's really fun! 
I guess it's super popular now!

For my first crack at a themed cake, I am very proud of it! I know it will be one of those pictures that I try to hide 3 years from now when I've had a bit more practice, but I will enjoy/be proud of this while I can!

Although this cake took me hours, and hours, and hours to make...the best part was bringing it into the room and seeing the reaction on Shane's face. He is a tough critic too, so I was nervous. To my delight, he was ecstatic.

Imagine what goes on in my brain.
Yikes Squared. Poor Eric.

I made a vanilla cake and stacked into a 5 inch square. I filled and iced it with swiss meringue buttercream (which is truly the best!) No more american buttercream...ever.

In fact, my other brother-in-law, Ryan (he is 10), took a bite of the cake and said it was the best cake he had ever had! Woohoo!

I made homemade marshmallow fondant to cover the outside and make the figurines. Steve, a Creeper (green thing), and TNT.

Fun Fact:
Fondant acts as a seal to keep the cake and buttercream fresh!

This is the good stuff. The kids immediately started picking off the TNT and eating it :0)!

Shane even wanted his mom to freeze Steve so he could keep him forever. Heart melt!
Lesson about Fondant: It is not great for modeling. My figures were super soft...even after leaving them out overnight. Next time, I'll have to mix in a bit of tylose powder or gum paste to help it along. 
I wanted Shane to feel special, which is why the cake is so small. That was HIS cake. Everyone else got to enjoy the cupcakes ;0)!

CUPCAKES! Vanilla with Swiss Meringue Buttercream!

This is what baking is all about. Bringing people joy. I am VERY excited to see what the future has in store :0). Believe me when I say...this is just the beginning! More to come very soon!

Love You All! Take Care and God Bless!

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